How important is the zero waste movement?

Are you aware of the environmental impact you can have through small actions? In Quebec alone, approximately 5.4 million pounds of waste are thrown away each year ; in the United States, we produce 1,606 pounds of waste per person. Not to mention the other places where the concept of zero waste is still unknown.
Faced with this situation, in 2013, the zero waste movement became popular in order to make people aware of the actions and habits that everyone has towards the environment. However, what is its real importance, what principles can we follow to move towards zero waste ? So many questions that we will answer in this article.
What is the “zero waste” movement?
The zero waste movement is about reducing the enormous amounts of waste that harm the health of the planet. To do this, we seek to reuse or repair consumer materials and compost to give a positive use to waste that we no longer need.
With the “ zero waste” movement, it is not only consumers who are involved, but also large companies who can change their actions and habits to positively engage in environmental change.
Additionally, institutions such as governments play an important role, as it is through them that regulations related to the zero waste reserve are enforced. In this way, greater measures and support are designed for activities with a lower pollution index.
How important is the zero waste movement?
The more importance we give to the zero waste movement , the more beneficial its impact is for the planet. The zero waste movement allows us to become aware of all the components that affect the environment in order to bring about social, personal and structural changes.
For example, the “zero waste” lifestyle involves only using items or materials that are necessary for us. At first, it can be difficult to adapt to the zero waste lifestyle, but once this practice becomes part of our lives, managing material consumption becomes easier. This is what he does on a personal level.
On a societal level, zero waste is starting to spread in places like work, school or other similar scenarios. This is where it no longer only stays on a personal level, but becomes a part of society.
On the other hand, when we talk about structural change, we are already referring to the participation of large organizations and companies that show preventive measures or support the zero waste movement.
In conclusion, the zero waste movement is important for training eco-responsible people . The decisions we make about transportation, food and purchasing impact the planet's resources. By making these choices, we vote every day for a better future. We will move from the use of polluting products to more ecological products to preserve our planet.
The fundamental principles to follow
The zero waste movement follows certain principles that go hand in hand with the 7Rs. If you want to change your lifestyle to become more eco-responsible, then apply the following principles:
- Refuse anything you don't need, i.e. you don't need to use single-use products when you can have products made to be reusable. You don't need to accumulate unnecessary waste in your home.
- Repair items that can be used for a longer period of time. In this way we will reduce the environmental impact.
- Reuse disposable products that can be reused. To do this, you can go to second-hand stores or go to a zero waste store to get reusable products.
- Recycle all disposable products such as plastic, paper or other materials, to help reduce the amount of pollutants that end up in landfills or even the ground.
- Reinvent your way of life, that is, always question the structures we find ourselves in and think about ways to continue contributing to the environment. You can even go so far as to have a zero waste home .
- Reduce the consumption of certain products, particularly if they generate too much impact on the environment. A simple way to put this into practice is to ask yourself whether you will need a particular product before purchasing it.
- Demand or demand change. If you don't demand a healthier, greener planet, then no organization will want to support the zero waste movement.
Benefits of the zero waste movement
By living a waste-free lifestyle, we eliminate unnecessary expenses and support local businesses. Most large companies do not have the resources to implement a zero-waste lifestyle, because they are not willing to sacrifice profits for the benefit of the environment or worker health.
Additionally, people who are part of the zero waste movement spend less money on products , which means more savings. They also avoid buying packaged foods, which means they start eating less processed foods which are better for the health of the body.
On the other hand, belonging to this lifestyle means reducing your carbon footprint on the environment. You will also not be exposed to toxic pollutants in the atmosphere, which can even affect your health or that of your loved ones.
Zero waste and minimalist style form a team, thanks to which people simplify their lives and begin to realize that it doesn't take much to have a pleasant quality of life.
Finally, zero waste also has an impact on our personal development. It allows us to reflect on ourselves and understand what this movement is trying to do for our planet and to better value it. Remember, small practices make big changes!