Rare plant: 8 options for collecting at home – ZARITS

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Rare plant: 8 options for collecting at home

Rare plant

Do you want to make your home more cheerful and greener? Then try adding a rare plant . Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to collect rare and easy-to-care-for plants because they not only provide a different look to the home, but are also perfect for showing your support for the environment.

So, if you are a plant lover and love plants and their incredible features, you will definitely love our article. Here are 8 rare plant options you can find at Zarits Verte Planète .

1- Alocasia Jacklyn

Alocasia Jacklyn is a rare plant native to Indonesia. For proper care, this plant needs indirect contact with sunlight, as this prevents deterioration of its leaves. In fact, its greatest rarity comes from its leaves because they contain an unusual and very striking texture, especially because the green color and the dark purple lines give it a fascinating mix.

2- Rare plant: Epipremnum Baltic Blue

Rare plant Epipremnum Baltic Blue

An exotic houseplant from the pothos family. It originated from a mutation in Epipremnum pinnatum, which previously had dark green leaves. This rare plant grows best in potting soil with a high organic matter content and adequate drainage. However, soil that is too wet should be avoided, as this can cause root rot. Don't miss the opportunity to adorn your home with a tropical and extraordinary plant like this one.

3- Monstera Adansonii Albo

Monstera Adansonii Albo belongs to a rare plant variety with the same name. However, their essential difference lies in their white parts and the holes that form in the leaves as they age. Therefore, its combination of white and green colors along with its holes constitute a perfect fusion for decorating any home.

When growing Monstera Adansonii Albo , be sure to provide it with adequate humidity. Excess water will prevent oxygen from reaching the roots, which is vital to the health of the rare plant . Also find out about the quality of light it must receive for good growth and to avoid damaging its leaves.

4- Peperomia Ranna

Some people may think that a rare plant is generally poisonous to animals, but this is not true. Our Peperomia Ranna is one of the plants that, in addition to being very attractive thanks to its texture, is also suitable for pets. However, be aware that it is a large houseplant whose delicate leaves can be easily damaged. The fact remains that it is a rare plant which deserves to be present in every room of your house.

5- Philodendron Pink Princess

A popular indoor tropical plant is the Philodendron Pink Princess . It is characterized by a stunning combination of heart-shaped leaves containing dark green and pink. Although it may be difficult to care for at first, with good research and practice you will get this rare plant to flourish properly in your home.

6- Syngonium Confetti

Syngonium Confetti is a rare tropical plant with striking milky green foliage and beautiful pastel colors. It is native to the rainforests of South America and grows well under the protection of trees. Its small size makes it an ideal plant for an indoor garden. Plus, since it's hard to find, it's best to learn how to care for it properly.

7- Syngonium Pink Salmon

Our Syngonium Pink Salmon is a beautiful plant with beautiful salmon pink and green leaves. It grows in tropical rainforests from southern Mexico to the West Indies and even Central and South America. This rare plant is characterized by its vibrant foliage. The leaves are arrow-shaped and have an unusual spotted or dotted pattern. It needs bright, indirect light and a constant level of humidity. An exotic houseplant that you will love.

8- Rare plant: Anthurium Pterodactyl

Rare plant Anthurium Pterodactyl

For plant lovers, our Pterodactyl Anthurium is a cross between Anthurium Clarinervium and Pterodactyl . It is a rare plant that contains heart-shaped leaves and likes both high humidity and filtered light. It doesn't require much watering, but be sure to keep it watered when the soil is dry, about two inches below the top of the pot.